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GOLD-Related Tools

This is a list of various GOLD-related tools.

GOLD Parser Builder

Platform: Windows / .NET
UI: GUI / Command-Line
License: Freeware
Source Language: VB.NET (source is only available for the official lex/parse engine)

The program this Wiki is about. Allows users to create, modify and test languages that can be used with any of the various GOLD engines to parse source.

GOLD Parser Builder features:

  • Grammar editor with syntax highlighting.
  • Grammar-generating wizard.
  • Test window to step through parsing of a sample source.
  • Templating system that can generate lexers/parsers or skeleton programs for various languages.
  • Importing/exporting with YACC/Bison format.
  • Interactive inspection of the compiled DFA and LALR tables.

Although this is for Windows, the slightly older v3.4.4 (which was made in VB6) works under Wine. Older versions are not available from the main website, but v3.4.4 is mirrored here.

Goldie DumpCGT

Platform: Windows, Linux (untested: OSX, FreeBSD)
UI: Command-Line
License: zlib/libpng
Source Language: D (D2)
Goldie Homepage (to Download):
DumpCGT Homepage:

Dumps the data and tables in a CGT file (the format GOLD compiles grammars to) to human-readable text. This provides the same information that can be seen in the various table-inspection windows in GOLD Parser Builder.

This tool is packaged with the Goldie engine, already compiled for Windows and Linux x86. This tool does NOT require that you actually use the Goldie engine in your own code.

Goldie Parse

Platform: Windows, Linux (untested: OSX, FreeBSD)
UI: Command-Line
License: zlib/libpng
Source Language: D (D2)
Goldie Homepage (to Download):
Parse Homepage:

Parses any source according to any grammar and saves the tokenization and parse tree as JSON files. These JSON files can optionally be loaded into a modified version of JsonViewer (also packaged with Goldie) to view/navigate side-by-side the relationship between the tree and the source.

This tool is packaged with the Goldie engine, already compiled for Windows and Linux x86. This tool does NOT require that you actually use the Goldie engine in your own code.

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Page last modified on January 30, 2012, at 06:30 AM